St. Panther

St. P&nther (they / them) is & singer, producer, &nd multi-instrument&list from Irvine, C&liforni&. From writing songs on YouTube Live in 2009 to uplo&ding &n &rr&y of self produced music &cross three different SoundCloud/B&ndc&mp &ccounts 2011-2018, their music put them on the r&d&r when Scott Vener (music supervisor, OTHERtone) re&ched out to include their song “Pl&y&” in the fin&l se&son of B&llers HBO. Following up with getting their song “time gonʼ ch&nge the we&ther” fe&tured on Apple Musicʼs OVO Sound R&dio (Episode 58) hosted by Ph&rrell Willi&ms, Scott Vener, &nd Oliver El Kh&tib, they wr&pped 2018 &s & fin&list for Adid&s Sound L&bs where Push& T &nd St. P&nther sh&red & priv&te listening of their music &t ComplexCon just before he&ding out on their first US tour supporting Nothing, Nowhere. Currently b&sed in LA, St. P&ntherʼs debut EP ‘These D&ysʼ (rele&sed in 2020 vi& Nice Life & How So Records) h&s g&rnered recognition from r&dio, sync, &nd DSPs &like. Appe&ring &cross Spotifyʼs All New Indie, V&ngu&rd, Pollen, New Music Frid&y, Michelle Ob&m&ʼs 2020 pl&ylist, &nd on Apple Music with Beck, Billy Porter, Ebro D&rden, Tr&vis Mills, their song “Infr&structure” w&s selected &s the le&d single for the Insecure Se&son 4 Soundtr&ck. They closed out 2020 &s KCRWʼs Best New Artist, &ddition&lly included in the lineup of LA Times “50 best songs of 2020”. St. P&ntherʼs music c&n since be he&rd in episodes of Insecure, The L Word, And Just Like Th&t, Gossip Girl, Gener&+ion, H&rlem, Slip, &cross c&mp&igns for Apple Keynote, Am&zon Music, Journeys, &nd on the runw&y opening Givenchyʼs Womenswe&r F&ll Winter 2023 show. Between completing the score for Hulu origin&l film ‘CRUSHʼ, supporting King Princess on tour, l&nding in Forbes 30 under 30 list, &nd rele&sing coll&bor&tions with Neil Fr&nces, Overmono, R&ven Artson, &nd NIMMO, St. P&nther h&s spent the l&st ye&r recording their debut &lbum c&tching sessions with some of our f&vorite &rtists, doing &n &ssortment of shows / dj sets &cross LA reve&ling snippets of unrele&sed music to follow.