Benign Envy

Erin Donahue, or Benign Envy, is an artist who is passionate about learning about yourself, talking about mental health, and realizing and loving your self-image. The term “benign envy” is described as the type of envy that makes you want to be a better version of yourself. Erin wants to show people that confidence comes from within, and once you gain that, you can be whatever you’d like. Benign Envy started as a full band, formed by Erin in early 2020, playing her original music, with players from Los Angeles College of Music. After the Coronavirus hit, Erin and the other bandmates all ended up in different parts of the country. Erin was still connected with the idea of B.E., so she decided to use it as her artist name. Erin’s energetic, and passionate stage presence, mixed with her heart-breaking, and honest music makes Benign Envy’s music worth a listen.