The Lagoon Stage

Weapons of Mass Creation


Time: May 14, 2022 06:00 PM
Event Type: Lagoon Stage, Performance
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About Tour

Hip Hop collective from Anaheim, California, Weapons of Mass Creation (WOMC) bring funky, soulful and heartfelt beats with honest, positive and socially aware lyrics for your mind and soul. Within these dynamics WOMC finds themselves quoting revolutionaries like Frantz Fanon and Gloria Anzaldua to cracking jokes while sipping 40 oz. This rawness is reflected within the music, one second taking the listener on a self-reflecting journey and the other dancing the night away to home-cooked cumbias. Together Weapons Of Mass Creation has built a truly revolutionary musical form of resistance for the people.

@/womc714 @nextfestla @lacountyfair  Fairplex, LA County Fair, May 2022

#nextfestla #lacountyfair #weaponsofmasscreation #WOMC