The Farm Stage

Sweet Nothin’s


Time: May 22, 2022 02:15 PM
Event Type: Farm Stage, Performance
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About Tour

Sweet Nothin’s, a Country Rock band based in Los Angeles, is like a charming bouquet of flowers that sprouted from far corners of the nation, thoughtfully arranged and assured to uplift the mood in any room. When Lo Shook & Lily LeTigre (Athens, GA) met Jon Rizzo (Boston, MA) and Patrick Tsotsos (Chicago, IL), they bonded over their mutual enthusiasm for art, fashion, and sounds of the past, which has lead them to create a performance that is reminiscent of 60’s-70’s country & blues music while simultaneously feeling fresh and modern.

@sweet.nothins @nextfestla @lacountyfair Fairplex, LA County Fair, May 2022

#NextFestLa #LaCountyFair #SweetNothins