The Plaza Stage

Demtrius May


Time: May 21, 2022 12:00 PM
Event Type: Performance, Plaza Stage
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About Tour

Demetrius is a Los Angeles native who’s a creative force and music junkie with a unique voice that blends multiple cultures, perspectives, and disciplines to create. He’s an art director, brand developer, illustrator, fine artist, graphic designer, and a player of wax. Demetrius creates meaningful and tactile solutions inspired by culture, art, and Music. Next to art and design, Music is his next love; he collects and plays vinyl LPs and 45s ranging from oldies, sweet soul, boogie, and funk genres. At his core, he is a self-motivated multitasker with a passion, devotion, and commitment to the power of art, design, and Music.

Demetrius – 

“I want to bring joy to everyday people utilizing my experience with art, design, and Music and inspire them to be agents of change.”

Catch Demetrius as part of the Hello Stranger Showcase on the Plaza Stage on May 27.

@demetrius_rfc  @nextfestla @lacountyfair Fairplex, LA County Fair, May 2022

#NextFestLa #LaCountyFair #DemetriusMay