The Lagoon Stage

Amy Correa Bell


Time: May 13, 2022 07:15 PM
Event Type: Lagoon Stage, Performance
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About Tour

A Native to the San Fernando Valley in SoCal, Wife of Recording Legend Ricky Bell (New Edition, Bell Biv Devoe),  Amy Correa Bell delivers a dynamic style through unique rhythmic expressions, saucy productions and melodic compositions.  A custom blend of Pop, New Wave and RnB, her 80’s and 90s inspirations create a relevant, yet nostalgic experience for her fans.  Her latest release “The Let Go” showcases Amy’s breakthrough as a global pop music star. Fearlessly pushing forward, she leads us through the 2020s ushering in a new era of artists.

@amycorreabell @nextfestla @lacountyfair Fairplex, LA County Fair, May 2022

#nextfestla #lacountyfair #amycorreabell